Oct 13, 2012 | Kerri Gingerich | 344 views
Off To A Great Start !
The Zurich Novice Rep team is off to a great start with our first game resulting in a 3-3 tie against the Arthur Vipers. Our first goal of the season was scored in the first period by Ashton Willert, assisted by Joey Chairella.
Arthur scored twice in Period 2 but in Period 3 Zurich came back with 2 more goals, back to back. The second goal scored by Zurich was by Roarke O'Meara, assisted by Corey Hoffman, and Jordon Robinson. Ashton Willert took Goal number 3, assisted by Ryan Regier. Arthur scored once more and the game ended in a tie.
Way to go team ! It's been a great start and I'm sure with the team we have and the great coaching staff, we will have a fantastic year. Go Thunder !