Oct 02, 2022 | Amy Peeters | 286 views
Welcome U9 Zurich Thunder Families
Our first official practice starts Friday, September 30th at 5:30pm, hope to see all your kids out there.
We then go back on Sunday at 3:30pm and this Monday is our turn in the rotation at 5:30pm.
We will use the first weekend of practices to further evaluate the players and finalize the teams. We will use Friday/Monday as a skating and skills night and then Sunday will be scrimmage.
New to U8/U9 this year is we will be having 2 teams. U9 will consist of the 2014 kids with the additional of a couple 2015 kids. U8 will be filled with all 2015 kids with the addition of a couple 2016 kids. As an organization we thought this would be the best pathway for this age group vs having 18 kids on one team. If anything changes from now to our start date we will be sure to let all know.
Starting next week both teams will be separated and start working together on preparation for exhibition games and regular season that is due to start October 22nd.
U9 and below still consists of half ice until Jan 15th so both teams will continue to practice at the same time until at least until the new year when we convert to full ice.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out.