Welcome to the 2023/24 season of hockey!, News (Zurich Minor Hockey)

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Sep 07, 2023 | Amy Peeters | 903 views
Welcome to the 2023/24 season of hockey!
Welcome to the 2023/24 season of hockey!

We would like to thank all the parents and family representatives who were able to come out and help with volunteer shifts at the Bean Festival; it was a huge success. We have lots of good things in store for a great season this year where your fundraising efforts will be utilized. 

We are excited to be offering pre-skate sessions this season with power skating instructor Kara Doyle. Kara has been on the ice for 34 years, played high level hockey, and capped off her career with varsity hockey at the University of Windsor. Kara has also been trained by the Calgary Flames power skating coach, Danielle Fujita. Kara's passion for the sport, her knowledge in understanding the biomechanics of the body, and the fundamental approach to power make her a great fit for our local youth. These sessions will be an opportunity for your child to get back on the ice in a player-friendly environment, while prepping them for the upcoming season.

The dates and times for these sessions are as follows: 
Monday Sept. 18
-4:30pm-5:30pm U7 and U9 Girls
-5:30pm-6:30pm U9 Boys and U11
Wed. Sept. 20
-4:00pm-5:00pm U7 and U9 Girls
-5:00pm-6:00pm U9 Boys and U11
Fri. Sept. 22
-5:30pm-6:30pm U7 and U9 Girls
-6:30pm-7:30pm U9 Boys and U11
Sat. Sept. 23
-12pm-1pm U6 & U7

All Team Practices will start on Sun. Sept. 24th as power skating is optional. 

Further communication regarding your child's team specific practices for the season will be coming from team managers or coaches within the next couple of weeks. 

Reminder registration payments are due in full by Sept. 15. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns about your payment. You can also find payment details here: https://zurichminorhockey.ca/Pages/2678/2023_24_Hockey_Registration/

Save the Date: Photos are booked for Sun. Oct. 22nd, during individual practices. 

We look forward to seeing everyone back at the arena soon! 
