2021 Zurich Baseball Season, News (Zurich Minor Hockey)

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Mar 08, 2021 | Niki Hunter | 1469 views
2021 Zurich Baseball Season
ZMAA is hoping all our families are staying safe and healthy during the continued pandemic. It is our hope that we will be able to have a 2021 ball season.

However, at the moment it is a little unclear what will be possible as COVID-19 conditions are constantly changing. We are asking that you complete the registration form (attached below) to help us with our planning for the season. 

2021 Baseball Registration

Please check all the potential options for the season you are interested in for your children. We will not be collecting fees at the present time as fees will be adjusted to reflect the programming offered. The fees listed would be a maximum and only apply if we are able to complete a normal regular season with league play and a year-end tournament. A fee schedule and payment dates will be communicated in the future. Any fundraising including the Bean Festival 2021 expectations will be determined at a later date.

The COVD-19 situation will continue to change and we will keep our families up to date about our programming and costs. The executive respects that families can withdraw their registrations depending on their comfort level with the health and safety protocols in place and the final plans for the season. Please complete the registration form and email to [email protected]

ZMAA are always looking for volunteers. We anticipate more help will be necessary because of additional health and safety protocols. If you are interested in coaching, joining the executive, volunteering in some capacity or have any questions, please contact Doug Schade at 519-236- 7188 or [email protected]

2021 Baseball Registration