Mar 03, 2011 | jbrand | 1817 views
Peewee & Midget OMHA play-off game times
Game # 3 in the peewee & midget OMHA finals will take place this Saturday(March 19th) in Zurich at the following times:
Peewee's will play at 2:30 pm (3-0 win)
Midgets will play at 4:00 pm (1-7 loss)
So far in the series, both teams have 1 win and 2 losses.
Please view the peewee & midget home pages for more info.
More game times here:
Game # 4 ( if necessary) will be back in Manvers for both teams on Sunday, March 20th
Peewee will play at 3:30 pm(0-3 loss)
Midget will play at 5:00 pm(5-4 win)
Game # 5 ( if necessary) will be back in Zurich, Saturday, March 26th
Peewee will play at 2:30 pm
Midget will play at 4:00 pm
Game # 6 ( if necessary) will be in Manvers on Sunday, March 27th
Peewee will play at 3:30 pm
Midget will play at 5:00 pm