Feb 06, 2011 | jbrand | 1279 views
Annual AGM and Hockey Awards Night
Our Annual AGM and Hockey awards night has been set for Friday,April 8th at 6:30 pm. The format will be similar to last year and to keep costs down we will be asking you to contribute a dessert to a potluck snack again. Pizza will not be served.
As a trial for next year, we will be having "Hockey Registration" this night also. You will have an opportunity to register your children for next years hockey season( along with post-dated cheques)at some point in time on that evening. This eliminates the need for you to make another trip to the arena in June. You also will sign up for your "Beanfest Shift" on that evening.
Plans are also underway for 5 "Pre-Hockey Season Skills Development Sessions" in September. They are tentitavely set for Sept 7,12,14,19 and 21 with the regular season probably starting on the 26th of September. These sessions are entirely voluntary and will cost $50/child.
As we get closer to these events, more information will be sent out.