Ice times, News (Zurich Minor Hockey)

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Jan 16, 2011 | jbrand | 1430 views
Ice times
As our older teams start playoffs, please be aware of your child's schedule.......

Also, during playoffs, all Zurich parents now pay to watch our home games. Season passes are valid and our rostered coaching staff get free admission.

As playoff schedules are made up with very little "lead time", Pete is putting practices in "on the fly" to utilize our ice times the best he can.

Parents:Please make sure you are signed up for "auto notifications" by text and/or email. To sign up for Hay Communication texting select "Bell" as your carrier. If you are signed up for this you will get notifications almost immediately following a change to the schedule-this is especially useful for last minute changes and cancellations due to weather.

Coaching Staff: If there is a last minute change, please notify immediately either Pete 519-859-3433 or Jamie 519-495-3889. If we have access to a computer at that time, we will cancel or change the event and an auto notification will be sent out everyone who is signed up for "auto notification" which eliminates the need for you to contact everyone on your team.